Saturday 30 April 2011


拼了命尋找話題 想挽回降了溫的感情
相處得平淡無味 希望你只是在鬧脾氣

似有若無的關心 表現得那麼親暱卻又那麼虛偽
小心翼翼地呼吸 深怕一個不小心

Tuesday 19 April 2011


我在等待 等待經過的人們可以看我一眼
我在等待 等待有人看上我身上的衣服
這是我的工作 為人們展示我身上的衣服
直到我筋疲力盡 還是會努力微笑着面對人們

站了些許年 身上的衣服也換了好多件
我試著忍住眼淚 畫上紅色眼線
但是還是敵不過歲月的摧殘 臉在龜裂


今天, 看到一個男生為我拍了照片
算了吧, 我想我該退休了

Sunday 17 April 2011

涼涼的空氣 微微的蟲鳴

熱鬧的街頭 緊湊的腳步

夜晚 仰望星空
白天 車水馬龍



夜晚 孤獨寂寞
白天 熙熙攘攘

有人說 夜晚是妖魔鬼怪活動的時間
勾心鬥角 奪權篡位 說三道四

我喜歡夜晚的寧靜 ^0^

Friday 15 April 2011

Pilihan Raya Day 16-04-2011

OMG !!!!!

I am so excited. Just back from the polling centre. This is my 1st time to vote for the pilihan raya, as called VIRGIN VOTE...LoL
All of my friends haven't register for vote, I m the 1st one to break the virgin...Muahahahahaha xD
Too high liaw, at first  still so kinteo yet sweating all over my body =.=''

 I though voting is a very tough mission at first but I was wrong. I keep asking my mum what should I do when it is my turn. Where should I write on the paper, where should I put the paper, did they provide pen for me, can I go in with another person but not alone ....walao, I m so annoying at that time =.= But it's just as easy as eating porridge when it was my turn...LOL >.<''

Hmmmm....There is a counter at the front door, u just need to pass your IC to him and he will give u a classroom number, and that is ur voting room. Then, u need to give your IC again to the person in the classroom. He will read your name and your IC number loudly. Damn, he pronounce my name wrongly =.='' My name is pronounce as Lee Shau (shao) Yee but he pronounce as Lee Shoo Yee....ISshhhh....what a shame >.<

After that, he will give u a folded paper as it is your vote ticket. You just need to draw a CROSS(X) on the paper beside the logo which u want to vote. Of cause I won't tell you which side I draw la xD
Then, you need to fold the paper back and put into a box that they provide. I think the whole progress haven't reach 5 minutes...So fast habis voting liaw yet I apply for 1 hour leave =.=''
But never mind la, it was my very precious virgin ^0^

Wednesday 13 April 2011

K-Night =D

Last night, is my 2nd time went to Kbox. Dun ask me why it is my 2nd time, I am a super "zhai nan"... If  nothing special, I rather stay at home and watch pps.... xD

Back to topic. We booked a small room for 4 persons actually just 3 of us =P
Ai Shang "seven early eight early" du go spring play liaw, she even go watch Angry Birds Rio and hao lian us xD xD
Me and Ah Hun reach Spring at about 8pm. Then I sambil eat sugarbun ice-cream sambil wait Ah Hun bake cake in toilet while contacting Ai Shang. (LOL Ah Hun dun wan bake at the bottom toilet ba, wan choose MBO's toilet)

We go in the k-room at about 8.30pm. At first, we all paiseh paiseh don't dare to sing. Juz drinking and eat snacks xD Ah Hun is the 1st to sing. The 1st song he sing is Tao Tai by Eason. He is such a "High Ka", even a slow rock song he also can sing until very HIGH, goyang here goyang there LOL
He is pro in singing old songs, he selected songs that is our papa's generation, never heard before >.<
He even can dance from the MV - 當我知道你們相愛, dunno that he was so talented...Hahahahahaha xD

The next to sing is Ai Shang. Funny girl lai de xD She say she paiseh to sing, so she opened the audio and sing together with the original singer. But after a few songs, she started to close the audio and sing. WALAO EH.....I duno that she's such a good singer....Very nice if she singing seriously (Because she feel paiseh and keep laughing when singing =.=)  Her voice is like a singer named Guo Mei Mei from Taiwan...cute cute 1 xD

Then, my turn.............skip my intro part xD
We notice that we can combine all songs together to sing.... We change every songs chorus into 當我知道你們相愛, 有了開始有了未來 SUITS !!!! Most funny is kena Ai Shang scold...LOL
Because when she is singing, me and Ah Hun Keep singing 放棄了放棄了放棄了無奈, 放棄了放棄了放棄了無奈.....make tiok she cant sing concentrately....Hahaha xD

Wonderful night...LoL
Next time gonna K again ^0^

Sunday 10 April 2011

大家來猜猜看這是什麼 ? 戒指....錯 !!  燙頭髮的....錯 !! 鏡子....錯 !! 還是猜不到吧 =P

來看看第二張圖 ^ ^

它.....它....它....竟然是個風扇耶 !! 沒有漿的風扇 !! 很特別吧 ?  這是James Dyson的最新發明, 為了減低風扇的危險性而發明的~  因為有些很頑皮的小孩子很喜歡把手指伸進風扇裡讓它攪啊, 然後看著半截手指大哭, 10只就變成9只了 T_T   所以James Dyson發明了這部無漿風扇咯...

為什麼我會突然對這個風扇有興趣呢 ? 哈哈....其實是在幫一位朋友做她的assignment啦, 她要聊她最喜歡的發明家, 而我竟然不知道她那麼愛吹風扇 xD

在幫她找資料的過程中, 認識了James Dyson這位發明家. 他之前發明了一部銷售成績很好的強力吸塵機, 可惜我家裡只用掃把, 並不清楚這個吸塵機的運作方式 =P
James Dyson的老婆是他的助手之一, 俗話說, 成功的男人背後都有一個女人...所以他的女人就是那個躲在背後的女人...(廢話xD)

其實我只是幫這個朋友把重點劃出來...再幫她找幾個關於James Dyson的網頁而已, 並沒有幫到她很多. 希望她不會怪我 xD
我也要謝謝她, 讓我重拾讀書時的樂趣 ^_^

Saturday 9 April 2011

Dream High

這是一部以藝術高中為背景的青春劇. 描寫著青少年們的夢想與挫折;  在他們成長過程中發展出的友情與愛情; 他們辛苦努力著想出道, 成為歌手,演員, 舞蹈家等的故事.

高惠美, 原本是富家千金, 因為父親的事業意外失敗而被迫放棄學習已久的聲樂,放棄成為聲樂家的夢想. 因為擁有一身的才藝, 所以被債主強迫進入麒麟高校接受訓練成為出道藝人, 好為欠債的父親還債......

玄振國,親生父親是個有頭有臉的人物.  因為不想讓外人知道他是未婚生子而生下振國,所以振國被迫離家出走免得有損父親在政治界的形象. 振國在外流浪時結識了同樣愛好跳舞的朋友, 並決定結伴到麒麟高校面試......

宋森動, 一個鄉下出生的孩子. 擁有天籟般的歌聲,卻從來不敢表現, 也從來沒有想過踏上出道歌手的路. 直到有一天, 惠美的出現, 因為對惠美一見鍾情, 才決定離開鄉下, 離開母親, 跟隨惠美到城市的麒麟高校試一試......

這是我第一次大力推薦一部戲, 因為實在是太好看了!!  除了看帥哥美女, 最重要的還是這部戲的劇情足夠吸引我, 不會拖泥帶水 (因為本人很不喜歡看拖泥帶水的連續劇, 總覺得太長了 xD)
除了這些, 這部戲裡的主題曲, 插曲, 片尾曲都超級好聽!!

期待 Dream High 2 ^0^

Thursday 7 April 2011


來聊聊我的第一次吧~ 據說第一次都是很難忘的吧,是因為第一次會讓人很緊張,所以留下很深刻的印象,所以想忘記都很難吧....

我的第一次發生在一間空蕩蕩的辦公室. 那時候冷氣開得很冷, 窗外烏云密布,感覺就快下雨了. 不知道是因為冷的關係, 還是緊張的關係, 雙手抖個不停...心裡想想, 抖成這樣....待會兒該怎麼做呀....

我溫柔地把她的外衣扒開, 讓她平躺在辦公桌上... 我開始緊張了,雙手抖得更激烈,真不知道該從哪裡下手 >.<
我雙手溫柔地在她身上撫摸着, 輕輕地敲打着, 深怕弄痛了她. 心裡想著想說的話, 可是一字一句卻難以開口, 這個氣氛太奇怪了~

我的第一次在慌慌張張中結束了, 字數也不多. 那個她是我的手提電腦,哈哈~
這就是我第一次寫部落格的經驗 xD xD

想歪的人可以去撞牆了 ^0^